Hello Everyone, its been awhile

Hey I am still here, I haven't ran away yet, I have been super busy working on my acting career, and taking care of the kiddos (yes both take a lot of time) I am also looking into publishing a new book, its more of a relationship self help guide type of thing, I have also started with the whole video blogging thing, what actually prompted that was an incident on Poshmark when I had a very expensive ring stolen from me, I did a series of videos here that you can view if you like, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWOEITE7Tkc00hggPqLfELzFoN40UNX1a, I complied them all into a playlist, well that is all for right now, I will be sure to post more as I get time, I hope you all that have purchased my guide to wholesale/dropship list have found it useful, and thanks for continuing to visit my blog.


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